The Working Environment Act § 3-5 impose the employer´s obligation to undergo training in health, environment and safety work. The obligation is personal and can not be delegated.
This course will give a basic introduction to the laws and is based on The Norwegian Labour Inspection Authorities (Arbeidstilsynet) guidelines for employers obligation to undergo training in health, environment and safety work (HMS opplæring).
Target Audience
Managers, Managing Directors, CEOs
None. However, it is recommended to have a look at these sites:
NOK 1990.- ex.VAT. (Invoice by email).
Start HSE CoursePopulære HMS kurs

HMS kurs for ledere
Målgruppe: Arbeidsgiver, Daglig Leder, CEO.
Språk: Norsk, Engelsk, Polsk.
Online Oslo Bergen Trondheim Stavanger
Forkunnskap: Ingen.
Karakter: (4.6/5)

Målgruppe: Verneombud og AMU
Språk: Norsk, Engelsk, Polsk.
Online Oslo Bergen Trondheim Stavanger
Forkunnskap: Ingen.
Karakter: (4.7/5)

HMS grunnkurs
Målgruppe: Alle ansatte, tillitsvalgte, HR.
Språk: Norsk, Engelsk, Polsk.
Online Oslo Bergen Trondheim Stavanger
Forkunnskap: Ingen.
Karakter: (4.3/5)